Potentially Dangerous Wins 2021 Russo Brothers Film Forum

Our feature-length documentary about the Italian American wartime experience during WWII took home the top award for the night. Our small, but talented crew pulled off the nearly impossible…5 months to research, conduct pre-interviews, identify key interviewees, raise additional funds, assemble gear and crew, book travel, film 14 interviews in 13 days across 11 different cities, assemble 17 actors, costumes, a historic film location, film two days of re-enactments, edit the movie, search, negotiate and buy archival footage and music, and finally deliver the whole project. What a wild experience!

Noah Readhead Chicago DP Wins Russo Brothers Award

Blog Post #1 | Getting to Know Me

This blog will serve as a creative outlet for myself, as well as an informal primer for getting to know me. Topics may include: BTS, personal photography, lighting diagrams, music I’m listening to, creative inspiration, etc. These days, directors have plenty of choices when it comes to choosing a Director of Photography. I hope these posts shed some light as to who I am as a person. I’m a firm believer that good work + compatible personalities are vital to a great production.